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Participatory Planning: Heritage Conservation through Co-design and Co-decision

BY Leong Siew Leng

SUPERVISED BY Assoc. Prof. Patrick Janssen (Dr.)



Heritage conservation in the current world is usually achieved through the rigorous review of heritage conservation guidelines by experts and the authorities. The application of this guidelines are rigid and are only applicable to buildings already gazetted under conservation status. This approach of achieving heritage conservation by focusing on guidelines for individual buildings did managed to conserve quite an amount of buildings, but the incomplete view on the greater system behind heritage conservation and the negligence of the surrounding context of a heritage site had resulted in a singular-narrative of the heritage building that is static and resulted in a focus on facadism and selective conservation that is slow to response to changes in development. The thesis proposes an innovative participatory design approach in dealing with issues of heritage conservation. The proposed idea calls for a redistribution of power among planning authorities, developers and citizens through a method of co-design and co-decision. Through the layering of virtual architectural information and the physical architectural environment, the thesis provides citizens with a tool that empowers them to think critically of their built environment and to initiate design development in their own city. Through the implementation of a web application prototype, the thesis aims to aid in community building and to provide a more accurate positioning of design issues in relation to its users by turning the citizens into active guardians of their very own cultural and architectural heritage.

Supervisor Comments

Siew Leng proposes a radical participatory approach to heritage conservation, focusing on Jalan Besar conservation area as a test case. Her approach is enabled by a digital web platform that gives citizens real power in shaping heritage conservation areas within their city. Citizens are able to participate in two fundamental ways: ‘co-design’ and ‘co-decision’. In co-design, citizen groups identify sites and develop sensitive design proposals. In co-decision, individual citizens vote on proposals that have been developed by other citizens. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach, Siew Leng developed a fully functional web application integrating immersive and interactive 3D models, making it easy for citizens to visualize design proposals in their urban context. You can view the web app at

- Assoc. Prof. Patrick Janssen (Dr.)

Leong Siew Leng

Leong Siew Leng

Leong Siew Leng

Leong Siew Leng