the Interchange
BY Zheng Liying
SUPERVISED BY Asst. Prof. Yuan Chao (Dr)
The thesis topic I am exploring is to have an integrated architectural solution to carbon emission. There are mitigation strategies and adaptation strategies. Mitigation strategies include passive cooling design (such as more openings in the building design to increase cross ventalition) and nature based solutions (such as planting more trees on site for carbon absorption and cooling effect, and incorporating plants onto building fascade for sunshading). Adaptation strategies include using PV panels and carbon capture technology.
This is a low carbon emission bus interchange in a nature park setting. The bus route is planned efficiently to avoid cutting down any existing trees on site. The floor plates follows bus routes and the big overhanging slanted roof follows the floor plates. Staggered planter boxes are used as the building facade, providing both sunshading and aesthetic value. The roof is made of carbon absorbing resin and the CO2 water (the rainwater washes away the CO2 absorbed) would be channeled to the algae pond to produce oxygen through photosynthesis process.
Supervisor Comments
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 climate change 2021 report has clearly indicated that anthropogenic influence has increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which has been warming the global climate at an unprecedented rate. However, according to data from the World Bank, since the first IPCC assessment report in 1990, when we first became aware of the environmental crisis, the annual global GHG emissions, including the GHG emission in Singapore, have not decreased. Liying developed a way to balance program functions of bus interchange and decarbonization strategies at her project, Net-Zero Carbon Emission Building Design, to make decarbonization strategies more actionable.
- Asst. Prof. Yuan Chao (Dr)