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Gitu Aja Kok Repot?

BY Joel Siaoman

SUPERVISED BY Adj. Assoc. Prof. Bobby Wong Chong Thai



Pesantrens, notorious for their prescriptive and hierarchal education, often produce many prohibitions and restrictions that students (or santris) need to follow to achieve an allegedly successful education. At Pesantren Tebuireng in Jombang, East Java, there is a thriving neighbourhood life, where santri s may practice agency and practical reasoning, and build upon their culture sensitivity, camaraderie and teamwork, or "gotong royong"

Taking cues from Stanley Allen’s "Field Conditions" that emphasises on site specific interventions, the "school" expands into the whole village, where five pondok structures, capable of holding infrastructures like warungs, classrooms and lecture halls, are built along the main road, which then are connected by chairlifts. The intervention encourages neighbouring structures to be transformed into supporting pondoks. The pondok structures are growing, and eventually forming a linear city - a platform where santris may exercise agency and there is life-long learning among public.

Supervisor Comments

The project is about agency, potentiality and the mise-en-scene of modernity. Both for the town people of Jombang in East Java and the of the students of Pesantren Teburieng. They are achieved through infrastructural insertions at predetermined locations along the main street. Predetermined, more so because these insertions occur at intervals, each acting as a vertical station, facilitating an elevated people mover (chairlift) system. The “Center” being connected directly to the school. Each of these houses the warungs, pondoks and other facilities for various community use. These facilities enable interactions and learning across a variety of life worlds, crossing boundaries by necessity.

- Adj. Assoc. Prof. Bobby Wong Chong Thai

Joel Siaoman

Joel Siaoman

Joel Siaoman

Joel Siaoman